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Lentiviral screen library: Human, Brunello, Doench Nat Bio 2016 (recommended) Human, Avana, Doench Nat Bio 2016 Human, GeCKO V2, Sanjana Nat Meth 2014 Mouse, Brie, Doench Nat Bio 2016 (recommended) Mouse, GeCKO V2, Sanjana Nat Meth 2014 Mouse, Asiago, Doench Nat Bio 2016 Number of guides per gene: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of non-targeting control guides (max: 1000): Subpool barcode: No Subpool barcode Subpool 1: CGGGTTCCGT/GCTTAGAATAGAA Subpool 2: GTTTATCGGGC/ACTTACTGTACC Subpool 3: ACCGATGTTGAC/CTCGTAATAGC Subpool 4: GAGGTCTTTCATGC/CACAACATA Subpool 5: TATCCCGTGAAGCT/TTCGGTTAA Subpool 6: TAGTAGTTCAGACGC/ATGTACCC Subpool 7: GGATGCATGATCTAG/CATCAAGC Subpool 8: ATGAGGACGAATCT/CACCTAAAG Subpool 9: GGTAGGCACG/TAAACTTAGAACC Subpool 10: AGTCATGATTCAG/GTTGCAAGTCTAG Custom oligo prefix and suffix : both empty = defaults for cloning into pLentiGuide-Puro
Enter a list of gene symbols, Entrez Gene IDs or Refseq IDs, one per line (case-insensitive): Type 'all' below to get all guides in the library and no gene filtering. You may need to convert old symbols. To convert from UniProt IDs, try the UniProt converter. PITX2 MTOR TP53 ABO 3661 NM_134261