Files available:
- Github repo crisporPaper with all code for the analysis paper
- Github repo crisporWebsite with all code used by the website. Since Version 4.0, non-academic users have to obtain a license for local installations, see usage license
- A virtualBox virtual machine image for Windows/OSX/Linux that includes CRISPOR. You can use this to run CRISPOR on your own computer, on Windows, OSX or Linux
- Install VirtualBox for your operating system first, Windows, OSX or Linux
- Download the virtual machine image (930MB, free for non-commercial use)
- Extract the virtual machine image, double-click it or import the file crispor.vbox file in VirtualBox
- When the virtual machine is running, point your internet browser to
- To run the command line version, go to the directory /var/www/html/ and run crispor.cgi in the built in terminal
- You can also ssh to port 2222 on localhost, e.g. ssh crispor@localhost -p 2222, password "crispor"
- The user "crispor" has sudo rights on the machine
- To add more genomes, download them from our list of pre-indexed genomes and copy to /var/www/html/genomes in the virtual machine
- To add your own genome, the easiest way forward may be to email us and ask me to add it to our site. Otherwise, look at the script I'm using to add genomes, crisprAddGenome, in the tools directory. This script is using various external tools. You can find binary 64Bit static compiled versions in the directory usrLocalBin/ under the tools directory.
For feedback or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us by email.